How to find the best whelping boxes for your dog

The whelping container is a vital tool for any breeder who is new. It is nearly impossible to give puppies without one. There are many other things you need to accomplish at the same time. If you have limited space an item which folds to a compact size could be a great choice.

When you are looking at whelping boxes, there are a few crucial things you need to keep in mind

Size and Capacity: the majority of boxes provide a size recommendation for your dog. Although the larger dogs are the best but if your dog is in the middle of this space, it’s possible to bring your dog along. Are they mature enough before they can be allowed out?

Cleaning Ease: Most boxes for whelping are made of plastic. They are very easy to clean, but they will not fit in your dishwasher. Do they become too large for the counter space in your kitchen when folded up?

Quality Of The Fasteners/Attachments: some whelping boxes are just flat pieces of plastic, with no real method to attach anything. Some come with simple velcro attachments, which are easily worn out in time. Some have heavy-duty industrial-strength snaps. Find out which one is most appropriate for your needs.

Foldability/Portability: if you are tight on space, and need something that will fit into a small room when not in use (ie: living room), then portability may be an important feature for you. If this is the case, then try to find a product that can easily be folded into a compact size and then put away.

It is possible to make use of it during the breeding season?

If you’re considering breeding your dog using an training tool that can not easily converted into a whelping box could be a problem. Make use of the same tools when breeding your dog as for whelping them. If the first tool fails to accomplish both it is possible to find a second.

Do the puppies have enough room to move about? You want your pups to be able to move around freely during labor. If she’s not given enough room to move about and the puppies are left with no place to go and they might suffocate, or even be crushed by their mom. The container used for whelping should have enough space that the mother can move around easily, but not so much that the pups aren’t able to move around in.

Of sure, there are other aspects to think about when looking at purchasing an whelping container to give your pet. But if you keep these basic points in mind while shopping, you will be able to make an informed choice about your purchase.

Boxes for whelping are a fantastic way for breeders to monitor the dog who is pregnant and to ensure a smooth delivery. The whelping boxes provide an environment that is safe to give puppies that are not in the vicinity of other animals or children who may inadvertently harm them. These boxes are very useful to monitor mothers and their children even after they have been born.

Whelping containers of high-quality can be costly. If you are not planning to breed your dog, but still want a box that’s sturdy enough to be used for training and you want to buy one with covers that can be removed so that it can double as a regular training crate or the kennel.

For more information, click whelping box